First Responders:

I represent one of the largest districts by land mass in Texas and one of the most rural. As our border district observes increasing numbers of high-speed vehicle chases, concerning trends of gun violence, property damage by illegal immigrants and other crimes that threaten community safety, and natural disasters that require emergency management, ensuring our law enforcement and first responders have the resources and equipment necessary to respond to the timely needs of TX-23 communities is one of my top priorities.

 Law Enforcement:

  • Secured funding for critical programs that provide resources for law enforcement, including:
    • Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) 
    • Edward Bryne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants (Byrne JAG)
    • POLICE Act
  • Secured funding for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program 
  • Introduced the Emi-Coke Accountability Act
  • Co-sponsored the EAGLES Act
  • Co-sponsored the Law Enforcement Officers Equity Act
  • Co-sponsored the 2023 National Police Week Resolution
  • Co-sponsored the Qualified Immunity Act
  • Co-sponsored the LEOSA Reform Act
  • Co-sponsored the Back the Blue Act
  • Co-sponsored the Law Enforcement Equity Act
  • Co-sponsored the Public Safety Healthcare Retirees Act

 Secured Emergency Management Funding For:

  • Firefighter Grants
  • National Domestic Preparedness Consortium
  • Urban Area Security Initiative 
  • Emergency Food and Shelter Program