My office can help arrange the following tours:
- White House
White House tour requests may be submitted up to 3 months in advance, but no later than 4 weeks before the requested tour date.
- United States Capitol
All United States Capitol tour tickets are provided to constituents on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to the many visitors, please request them as early as possible to maximize your chances. Tours booked on weekends or holidays may be reserved at
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
FBI tour requests may be submitted up to five months in advance. Tours must be scheduled no later than four weeks out. There are no exceptions.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP)
BEP tours must be submitted 2 weeks prior to the requested tour date.
Library of Congress
The Library of Congress is self-booked and self-led. Please visit their website for more information at
- The Pentagon
- The Pentagon is self-booked and self-led. Please visit their website for more information at
To request a tour, please complete the TX-23 Tour Request Form HERE. Please note that FBI and White House tours will require additional security information.