WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Tony Gonzales’ (TX-23) Improving Access to Our Courts Act was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and is on its way to the White House for the President’s signature. Congressman Gonzales’ legislation will formally allow federal court proceedings to be conducted in Brewster County, providing residents in West Texas with additional and more convenient access to our judicial system. The U.S. District Court in Alpine is in Congressman Gonzales’ district and serves nine Texas counties.

“Currently, residents of the Big Bend region, including law enforcement, must drive long distances to attend trial proceedings in the nearest federal courthouse. That travel is costly, time-consuming, and puts a strain on the public, not to mention law enforcement agencies which have limited resources and face unprecedented issues along our border. Today’s passage of the Improving Access to Our Courts Act will help expand courthouse access for West Texans by allowing federal proceedings to take place in Alpine,” said Congressman Tony Gonzales. “In the coming days, this bill will be signed into law. I am proud to help deliver this win for the Big Bend area and will keep fighting to ensure our district has the resources it needs.”


Currently, litigants must sign waivers to allow for federal court proceedings in Alpine, which is not formally recognized as a place for holding court.

Updating current law will remove this bureaucratic hurdle and streamline our judicial process. U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) led Senate companion legislation.
