WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) announced on Thursday that he has joined the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus. The Problem Solvers Caucus is co-chaired by Congressmen Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ-05) and Tom Reed (R-NY-23). It’s made up of equal parts Republicans and Democrats and strives to break the partisan gridlock in Washington by coming together behind bipartisan solutions.

“From day one, I’ve said that I want to be part of the solution, not the problem,” said Congressman Gonzales. “The Problem Solvers Caucus is a group from across the political spectrum but we are all resolved on finding commonsense solutions to the challenges that face our country. I look forward to working towards more bipartisan solutions and constructive results.”

“After serving the country for twenty years in the U.S. Navy, Rep. Gonzales is now serving the people of Texas in a new capacity as a public servant committed to working across the aisle to solve the complex problems facing the nation,” said Problem Solvers Caucus Co-Chair Tom Reed. “We are honored to have Tony join our team and look forward to the expertise, work ethic, and perspective he’ll bring to the Caucus.”
