WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) joined Congressman Henry Cuellar, Congressman Joaquin Castro, Congressman Chip Roy, and Congressman Lloyd Doggett in sending a bipartisan letter on Wednesday to the White House requesting that San Antonio host one of the Federal Community Vaccination Centers. This “super-site” would help expand access to the COVID-19 vaccine by providing a large-scale venue where as many as 6,000 vaccines could be administered on a daily basis. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in partnership with the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) and local officials, provide the resources, staffing and operational support to expand the rate of vaccinations in an efficient, effective and equitable manner.

“San Antonio and Bexar County have the capacity, readiness, and need to increase vaccination distribution and administration,” says the letter. “The City of San Antonio and its partners have successfully established four large vaccinations centers across our community, prioritizing high risk groups and those most in need.  They continue to innovate by using Community Health Prevention teams to go door-to-door to register eligible residents in targeted areas and utilize Meals on Wheels to vaccinate homebound seniors. Consideration of the San Antonio region as a “super-site” would also provide vaccine access for other communities in South Texas that have been hard-hit by the pandemic.”

“Our nation’s top priority should be the efficient and widespread distribution of the vaccine,” said Congressman Gonzales. “San Antonio has the proper infrastructure and capacity to distribute the vaccine in a larger volume, making the city the perfect candidate for FEMA’s Community Vaccination Center pilot program.”

Read the full letter here