Gonzales: “Ending Title 42 is reckless and could have dangerous consequences for our border communities.”

SAN ANTONIO, TX – Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) on Friday issued the following statement after reports that the Biden Administration plans to soon end Title 42 public health restrictions. Title 42 is a pandemic-era policy that has allowed DHS to rapidly expel migrants who come to the border during the coronavirus pandemic. Congressman Gonzales represents Texas’ 23rd Congressional District, which encompasses over 820 miles of U.S.-Mexico border, almost 40 percent of the total border territory in the country.

“Ending Title 42 is reckless and could have dangerous consequences for our border communities,” said Congressman Gonzales. “Before the Biden Administration puts an end to any immigration or border security policy, I urge President Biden or Vice President Harris to come see this crisis for themselves. The only way to truly understand what is happening at our southern border is to see the effects of it firsthand. If they spent a day in my district, they would see what a tragic mistake it would be and the harm it would do to an already worsening situation.”