Mouynes noted individuals with Al Qaeda ties have been apprehended in Panama, with intention of traveling to the United States. 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) met with Panama’s Foreign Minister Erika Mouynes this week to discuss how the United States and Panama can work together to combat the ongoing migrant crisis. Minister Mouynes shared with Congressman Gonzales what Panama has been witnessing and experiencing as a filter country for migrants traveling from South America to the United States. She detailed how Panama has also seen a spike in migrant passings from 800 a month to 20,000. She also noted that a number individuals with Al Qaeda ties have been apprehended in Panama, with intention of traveling to the United States. 

Congressman Gonzales with Panama’s Foreign Minister Erika Mouynes.


“In order to provide serious and long-term solutions to our border crisis, we need to work with and hear from Panama and other countries in Central and South America,” said Congressman Gonzales. “Minister Mouynes provided incredibly helpful insight into what Panama has been experiencing as a part of this migrant crisis. I urge the Biden Administration to work with her, as well as her counterparts in other countries, to find a solution to the collective crisis our countries are facing.”