SAN ANTONIO, TX – Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) on Wednesday issued the following statement after a federal judge issued an order barring federal authorities from using Title 42. Title 42 is a pandemic-era policy that has allowed DHS to rapidly expel migrants who come to the border during the coronavirus pandemic. Congressman Gonzales represents Texas’ 23rd Congressional District, which encompasses over 820 miles of U.S.-Mexico border, almost 40 percent of the total border territory in the country.

“Title 42 has been the only policy in place that has kept Border Patrol and law enforcement agencies above water. In its absence, there will be complete chaos in my district and across the country,” said Congressman Gonzales. “Cancelling this policy without putting up any guardrails to deter illegal immigration once again highlights this Administration’s indifference to how severely our border communities continue to suffer from the border crisis."