WASHINGTON D.C. – U.S. Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) on Tuesday questioned Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gloria Chavez and Tucson Sector Chief Patrol Agent John Modlin during the House Oversight Committee’s Hearing “On The Front Lines of the Border Crisis: A Hearing with Chief Patrol Agents.”

Watch Congressman Gonzales’ full line of questioning here.

“I represent 42% of the southern border -- places like Uvalde, Eagle Pass, Del Rio, El Paso that are in the news every single day. As the Representative of the largest border district in the country, I share the frustrations with my colleagues, and it is long time for Congress and this Administration to stop playing political games and do something,” said Congressman Gonzales in his opening statement. 

Congressman Gonzales asked Chief Chavez: Do you think repatriation flights work? Yes or no? 

Congressman Gonzales asked Chief Chavez: I have a bill, the Security First Act, that labels cartels as terrorist organizations. Would you agree that cartels terrorize the people they smuggle and should be prosecuted with higher penalties?