Click here  to watch Congressman Gonzales’ floor speech

Today, Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) released the following statement upon House-passage of his resolution condemning the Biden administration’s failure to enforce our immigration laws and secure our borders. 

“I represent 823 miles of the southern border—El Paso, Eagle Pass, and Del Rio are all in my district. We live President Biden’s border crisis every day, and we’ve had enough of the chaos, death, and destruction this administration’s border crisis has caused. My legislation that passed on the House floor today condemns the Biden administration's handling of the border crisis and demands that the Biden administration take immediate action to end this dire national security threat,” said Congressman Tony Gonzales.  “Today, every Member of Congress had the opportunity to show their constituents where they stand on President Biden’s border security policies. The American people deserve to know who’s by their side and who’s not.”

Congressman Gonzales spoke on the U.S. House of Representatives floor this afternoon before the vote on his legislation. Please see below for highlights from his floor speech. 

“Thank you to Chairman Jim Jordan and the Judiciary Committee for bringing this to the floor. I want to thank Speaker Johnson and Leader Scalise for bringing this to everybody's attention. The border is as bad as it's ever been—and it wasn't always this way. Under President Trump, the border was secure. Under President Trump, Remain in Mexico worked. Under President Trump, the PACR program worked. Under President Trump, other countries respected the United States. Under President Trump, Americans were put first, not last.”

“Americans all over the country are feeling this influx of people that are here illegally. All of the sudden you have people from Denver, New York, and Chicago going wait a second—what about me? What about our roads? I'm a U.S. citizen. What about my children? What about my future? For some reason, the Biden administration has put America last in this equation, and it needs to stop. That stops by us. The American families that live here need to be put first above everything else.”