Yesterday, members of the San Antonio Congressional delegation sent a bipartisan letter led by Rep. Tony Gonzales (TX-23) to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Denis McDonough urging the agency to reverse the recent decision to cancel the annual Veterans Day Observance Ceremony at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery. Yesterday evening, the agency announced that the ceremony would continue as planned after pushback from Rep. Tony Gonzales, San Antonio veterans, and members of the San Antonio Congressional delegation.

 “This event is an honored tradition at a sacred resting place for tens of thousands of Texas veterans. It holds a special place in the hearts of military families in South Texas, including my own. When I received word that the ceremony was canceled, I immediately engaged in conversations with the VA. I am thankful the VA reversed course on the decision to cancel the annual Veterans Day ceremony. Nothing brings San Antonio together more than our veterans—thank you to the San Antonio Congressional delegation and our South Texas veterans for working in lockstep to uphold this special tradition,” said Congressman Tony Gonzales.

"I am pleased to hear that the Veteran’s Day Observance Ceremony will continue at the Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery. It is important that we continue to honor our nation's veterans on these hallowed grounds. I would like to thank my fellow members of the San Antonio delegation for their leadership on this issue and their continued support for our veterans," said Congressman Henry Cuellar. 

“I'm glad that Secretary McDonough and the VA moved quickly to acknowledge concerns from San Antonio's veterans. The Veterans Day observance at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery is sacred and discontinuing it would have been a loss for many veterans and military families. As we move forward, I will press the VA to guarantee that Veterans Day ceremonies continue at both of our city's National Cemeteries,” said Congressman Joaquin Castro.

“This country simply would not exist without the heroic sacrifices of our veterans. What was declared in 1776 in Philadelphia was made real at Yorktown. We owe our veterans more than we can pay back. That’s why I’m proud to join with this bipartisan group of San Antonio representatives to ensure our veterans are properly honored. It is the very least we can do,” said Congressman Chip Roy.

“For decades, families across South Texas have gathered at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery in San Antonio on Veterans Day to honor their loved ones who served,” said Congressman Greg Casar. “I appreciate that the community spoke up and that the VA has committed to continuing to hold these services to honor and remember our local veterans.” 


To view the letter, click here.