WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) secured funds for border security, cyber security infrastructure and emergency management for Texas’s 23rd Congressional District in the FY2022 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill. 

Congressman Gonzales helped to include funding for a variety of border security initiatives across the district: 

  • $90 million for Operation Stonegarden to provide grant money for local and state law enforcement agencies to assist border patrol with their enforcement duties combatting drug and human trafficking. 
    • Congressman Gonzales introduced an amendment to increase funding for Operation Stonegarden from $90 million to $300 million. This was rejected by the Democrats in the final bill.
  • $132 million for new border security technology, including:
    • $50 million for non-intrusive imaging technology.
    • $50 million for border technology.
    • $45 million for innovative technology.
    • $10 million for port of entry technology.
  • $655 million for the construction and modernization of Land Ports of Entry

“I am excited to secure funding for Operation Stonegarden and provide crucial resources, support and equipment to our hardworking law enforcement and border patrol agents on the front lines,” said Congressman Gonzales. “However, this version of the bill significantly reduces funding to CBP and ICE – something we cannot afford to do. These significant funding cuts are unacceptable, especially as these agencies struggle to deal with a 20-year high in migration.” 

Congressman Gonzales helped to include funding for a variety of cyber and infrastructure security initiatives across the district: 

  • $1.165 billion Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
    • $705 million for the Urban Area Security Initiative to assist high-threat, high-density urban areas, such as San Antonio, in efforts to prepare and respond to acts of terrorism.
    • $90 million for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program to support physical security enhancements of nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist attack.
    • $370 million for Assistance to Firefighter Grants.
  • $2.42 billion for Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
    • $186.7 million for cybersecurity.
    • $21.1 million for infrastructure security.
    • $34 million for emergency communications.
    • $17.1 million for integrated operations.
    • $13.7 million for risk management operations.
    • $13 million for stakeholder engagement and requirements; and
    • $3 million for mission support activities.

“These funds will help support critical cyber and infrastructure security initiatives to aid risk management operations across the district,” said Congressman Gonzales. “Through these initiatives, our communities will be better prepared against acts of terrorism, ransomware attacks or other emergencies.”