Today, Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) advanced legislation that will bolster America’s homeland security agenda, prioritize the deportation of illegal immigrants, and support quality of life initiatives for our Customs and Border Protection (CBP) personnel. These key wins were delivered through the House Appropriations Committee’s passage of the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Homeland Security Appropriations Bill. The legislation was approved by the Committee with a vote of 33 to 26.

“I represent 823 miles of the southern border—El Paso, Eagle Pass, and Del Rio are all in my district. Unfortunately, South and West Texans have faced the brunt of President Biden’s open border nightmare. Under this administration, millions of illegal immigrants have poured into our country. The Republican-led House Appropriations Committee advanced legislation today that invests in border security infrastructure and technology, hires more deportation officers and Border Patrol Agents, and resumes construction of the southern border wall,” said Congressman Tony Gonzales. “I’m proud to have worked with my colleagues to advance national security priorities that will put Americans’ safety first.” 

Critical provisions Congressman Gonzales helped secure in the House Homeland Security Appropriations Bill: 

  • Maintains funding for 22,000 Border Patrol Agents
  • $90 million for Operation Stonegarden
  • $60 million to hire additional Deportation Officers and Criminal Investigators to enforce immigration and customs law
  • Language to direct the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to report on the number of cases EOIR dismissed due to DHS’ failure to prosecute
  • Language that rejects catch-and-release, directing ICE to continue to prioritize detention and removal
  • Language to direct CBP to prioritize critical renovations of checkpoints, like the Eagle Pass checkpoint, that are outdated and unable to accommodate the increasing volume of traffic along the southern border

Border Technology:

  • $300 million for new border security technology 
    • $15 million for counter-drones and small drones
    • $15 million for land mobile radios, other enhanced communications
  • $171.4 million to sustain current border security technology 
    • $50.6 million Autonomous Surveillance Towers 
    • $14 million for tactical aerostats
    • $10.4 million for cross-border tunnel threats
    • $7.1 million for counter drones
  • $305 million for NII Technology
  • $20 million for the Border Security Deployment Program 
  • $50 million for innovative technology 

CBP Workforce/Mental Health:

  • $160 million for Border Patrol overtime
  • $140.9 million to restore pay cuts at CBP
  • $50 million for workforce care and suicide prevention 

School Safety:

  • Includes language that continues to support and bolster the School Safety Task Force and other efforts to combat threats and target violence impacting communities  

For more on the bill, click here.