WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) on Friday joined his colleagues on the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus in supporting the “Defeating COVID-19” vaccine distribution package. The caucus also called for the package to be brought to the House floor for a vote. 

“Vaccine distribution should be the country’s number one priority while we combat this pandemic,” said Congressman Gonzales. “The path to full recovery from this virus will take time but getting shots in arms quickly and efficiently is a huge step towards safely reopening the country.”

The “Defeating COVID-19” vaccine distribution package would allocate $160 billion of new federal investment funds to the national distribution and administration of the COVID-19 vaccine, as well as support for expanded testing programs, PPE purchases, and other key initiatives to beat this deadly virus. 

The “Defeating COVID-19” Vaccine Distribution Package 

  • $160 billion total funds allocated in the package
  • National Vaccine Program in partnership with states, tribes, and territories: $20 billion
  • Massive expansion of testing: $50 billion
  • Disaster Relief Fund: $30 billion
  • Defense Production Act Title III: $5 billion
  • PPE for first responders, independent physicians offices, and dentists: $5 billion
  • Rebuilding and restocking the National Strategic Stockpile: $15 billion
  • Provider Relief Fund with 20% set aside for rural hospitals: $35 billion